Most often when we hear “metabolically healthy,” body fat is the first thing people think about. It’s misguided to assume fat = metabolically unhealthy, skinny = metabolically healthy. Defined simply, our metabolism is what turns food into fuel. How efficiently and effectively we can utilize nutrients for energy determines our metabolic health. Another way of understanding our metabolism is the energy we harness to support and maintain bodily function. Scroll to see signs of a sluggish vs thriving metabolism.

When examining our metabolism, think about allowing the body to operate as it should with minimal interference. Our bodies are miraculous…they are designed to regenerate, heal, and operate efficiently. I believe our job is learning how to understand the signs and provide assistance as needed.

If you’re looking at these slides and thinking…uh oh, I am dealing with some (or all) of these signs. Don’t worry- most of us (I would venture to say all of us!) have dealt with these issues at some point. The good news is there truly are many easy steps you can take to support metabolic function. I will talk more about actionable steps in the coming days but I would suggest starting with this…eat within 30-60 mins of waking and eat every 3-4 hours throughout the day.

Metabolism 101