In the spring, I attended a @cellcorebiosciences conference and they reinforced the idea that we should approach health from a foundational perspective first, then functional. Meaning, it may seem basic to emphasize sleep, movement, emotional support and so on, but it’s crucial to address these before moving to complex health protocols and interventions.
We live in a world obsessed with extremism and intensity: quick results, shortcuts, busy-ness, hacks, diets, etc. But, when we’re seeking sustainable and enriching health, the answer is rarely eliminating more foods, taking more supplements, trying more modalities, or adding more to our schedule.
Discipline and balance have such negative connotations, but I think it’s because we view them as restrictive, inhibitory measures. I challenge us to look at balance as a way of simplifying our priorities and discipline as a way of showing up for ourselves even in seemingly small/normal ways.
There is strength in simplicity and consistency!

Foundational then Functional